Continuing with our style of expanding our professional services, we have the pleasure to inform you about the follow news:

  1. Hotline service for Freelancers, Professionals, Entrepreneurs and Companies, residents in Spain, in English and German.

With this new service, we try to make it easier for customers or entities to use our multi-user and multi-language WEB-CLOUD platforms in their OWN LANGUAGE and keep them informed about Tax news, Work news and Accounting, as well with Aids and Subsidies.

  • Expanding the services of from these persons , by being able to manage their administrative part with a customer service that speaks the same language. Not only in the management within Spain but in matters related to imports or exports, etc.
  • As Advisors- Consultants, help them manage their Legacy or businesses within the Spanish territory. We will expand this information through our websites, social networks (Instagram and Linkedin) being able to have meetings through Skype or Zoom.