The connection with Point of Sale Terminals is fully integrated into the Company Platform. So the information from the Terminal or terminals reaches the Platform, is processed and becomes part of the Invoices received, either globally or partially.

All the information from the terminal or terminals reaches the Platform. Therefore, all the tickets issued are received, who has them issued, how they have been charged, etc. You have the global information in a remotely form.

From this information, it is possible to know the consumption of each item and, depending on the type of items, carry out the necessary administrative processes.

The connection of the Platform has been made with a Multi-language Application: SIODROID.

The Platform also connects to ON-LINE stores directly. In this way, a lot of time is saved,        since normally the ON-LINE stores are not connected to the administrative management, following the normal process within the Platform circuit.

Similarly, connections can be made to Control Sales Orders, in those cases where it is necessary.