Both the Self-Employed and the Company Platforms contemplate the possibility of preparing and presenting Tax Agency models, taking into account the following:

. All the data that the models need, both in terms of withholdings, tax bases, cadastral references, etc. they are already integrated into the Platforms themselves. Even, in some options of the Applications, it is indicated that in order to continue the process, certain ones must be filled in, although they are not necessary at that time.

. Models allow locking and unlocking at will. This is an important option, since if you decide to block the information, for example for the 303 model, the data that appears in the model is already independent of the existing ones in billing. Any modification in the invoices no longer affects the model. If you want to modify, before presenting, it must be unlocked again. This identifies invoices that have been modified.

. Control of the Investment Invoices of the Taxpayer, as in the Construction or Information Technology sectors. As well as Intra-community, export and import.

. On the subject of I.V.A, the system automatically detects if invoices from previous periods have not been entered in the calculation of the previous 303 models. This allows the I.V.     A data to be updated at all times. if, for example, provider invoices from previous periods have been entered.

. Monthly refund of I.V.A., REDEME, SII. The Platform has a highly developed processing system in the Tax Agency for those companies that have opted for this system of monthly presentation of the invoices issued and received. The information that is obtained continuously is to know if all or part of the invoices have been processed. The system detects whether they are from imports, exports or intracommunity. This option is only implemented in the Company Platform.

. In the Self-Employed Platform, forms 130, 303, 390, 347, 115, 180, 111 and 190 for retention of Professionals can be made and presented.

. In the Companies Platform, forms 130, 303, 390, 347, 115, 180, 111 and 190 can be prepared and presented for withholding of Professionals. In addition, model 130 can be prepared and presented which, although it is only necessary for taxpayers in Direct Estimation, may be interesting for those who pay taxes in E.D Normal and the Advisor considers keeping the Accounting in a similar way to the General Accounting Plan.

. Models like the 349, are displayed but not made.